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Los Alamos not in sights

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) may not be the target in UT System’s sights after additional security breaches have caused a wavering consideration...


‘Brothers Grim’ exploits deformations

While some visitors to “The Brothers Grim Side Show” dropped their jaws in amazement at the show’s supposed oddities, its collection of human...


Fall enrollment nears 14,000

Despite a major increase in tuition, UTD has managed to grow “comfortably” with projected growths in enrollment and credit hours registered. According to...


Life & Arts Briefs 08/23/04

<strong>Thomsen Fund offers culture to students’ lives</strong> For students high on culture but low on funds, the Thomsen fund can help. As the...


My two cents

A wise man once said, “Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana,” and never has that been more accurate....


Date Rape Awareness Week slated

Speaking from the perspective of a male rape victim, UNT senior Jerod Benjamin will add a new dimension to Date Rape Awareness Week...


‘AvP’: all glory, no story

Before, it was “In space, no one can hear you scream.” But then those pesky Predators brought the battle to Earth. And now...


Why-are-less worried about security

Waterview residents don’t have to worry any longer about someone wire-tapping their wireless connection to UTD’s Internet system. Over the summer, Information Resources...


Back on American shores with convenience in store

It’s that time of year again, when the heat melts the tar from the roads, when the lines from the Bursar’s Office snake...


Power outage continues

After two shorted power lines left 11 buildings on campus without power for almost three days, $1 million will be spent to replace...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.