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Lovitt announces May retirement

What will Robert Lovitt miss most? Watching UTD continuously grow from the 6,600-student, four-building university he first encountered in 1985. After almost 20...


>Truce declared in wireless access war

UTD Information Resources officials said Sept. 10 they are reversing their previous decision to ban private wireless access points in Waterview Park after...


Journalism oozing mud

What began with “Deep Throat” in the Watergate years has become a deep moat of sludgy journalism today, calling into question the standards...


RuPaul’s ‘REDHOT’ leaves music listeners cold and bothered

In 2000, two historical events in our nation’s history occurred. The Supreme Court installed George Bush as president of the United States, and...


My two cents

With the intramural Texas Hold ‘Em tournament in full swing, I’m reminded of these words of wisdom: “Poker? I don’t even know her.”...


Spicin’ it up with the Power Dancers

There are three things nobody has ever said to me. “I like the way you move.” “You’re toxic, I’m slipping under.” “Richard, you’re...


‘Bodies Past and Present’ shows off human form

Aside from the daily duties of bathing, feeding, exercising and dressing, the human form is not a subject most people consider on a...


Women’s soccer soars

On the first weekend of the women’s soccer season, the Lady Comets weren’t supposed to be in mid-season form. Somebody forgot to tell...


Cross country off to fast start

Had San Antonio been Athens, and had the Trinity University Invitational been the Olympics, the UTD men’s and women’s cross country teams each...


Perry speaks at UTD about technology

The state of the Texas economy is strong, thanks to its focus on education and technology. So said Gov. Rick Perry in an...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.