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Need resume advice? Skip ECS 3390

If you’re an ECS major looking for full time employment, a great way to accomplish this is through internships. Unfortunately, ECS 3390 —...


Issue 2 26 2024


Issue 2 12 2024


House District Candidate Profiles: Francine Ly and Gulrez Khan

Texan Republicans and Democrats will race for their party nomination on March 5 for a seat in their respective House district. With calls...


Former UTD chess coach and International Master passes away

International Chess Master Rade Milovanovic, a former long-time chess coach at UTD, passed away from natural causes at the age of 69 on...


FIRE gives UTD a red light, demands Spirit Rocks return

FIRE’s rating follows their Dec. 1 letter to UTD demanding the Spirit Rocks be reinstated and their Jan. 16 blog post urging for...


What’s that orange pod in the Student Union?

The Office for Campus Resources and Support introduced a LilyPad lactation pod to the Student Union’s first floor in the beginning of the...

Life & Arts

Bad Romance: tales of heartbreak

One unread text: “It’s not you, it’s me.” It’s the text that no person in a relationship wants to receive. And while breakups...

Life & Arts

A whole new world of flavors with a side of service woes at Aladdin Café

Aladdin Cafe’s warm and inviting atmosphere begins at its front door, with staff welcoming you as you enter, and is only enhanced by...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.