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Oozeball glows up | September 28, 2020

“Despite having to move into a virtual gaming tournament in lieu of the traditional Oozeball tournament, the UTD Student Ambassadors’ annual fundraiser managed to gain the same turnout and about $1000 more in cash” The fundraiser is held annually as a way to raise money in celebration of North Texas Giving Day, which was on […]

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor lack of government aid | September 28, 2020

As election season approaches and the pandemic continues, mail-in voting is becoming an increasingly attractive option. Since cutbacks on funding for the Postal Service could greatly hinder the ability to vote by mail, it is incredibly essential for the agency to receive immediate funding. The United States Postal Service has provided Americans their mail for […]

Honorlock is not the key to proctoring | September 28, 2020

As midterm season approaches, students are experiencing an Orwellian nightmare. With UTD professors having the option to use remote proctoring, several students have been forced to comply with the use of Honorlock for their exams. As classes transitioned into virtual settings, the demand for remote proctoring software like Honorlock, Proctorio and ProctorU exploded to alleviate […]

It’s time to build – again | September 28, 2020

As a result of the pitiful COVID-19 pandemic response, incompetent national leadership all around and a polarized populace like no other, our country is amidst one of the worst bouts in history. We need directed leadership and purpose to build out of this rut. You might look to the west coast and think, “our technology […]

Popping quizzes (more often) | September 28, 2020

“Hell week.” Defined by Urban Dictionary, it is the time of a college student’s month where tests, projects and papers are all due within the span of a few days – usually around midterms and finals.  But does it have to be this way? Opting for frequent quizzes can eliminate these hell weeks and improve […]

Inside-out: flipping classroom structure | September 28, 2020

Some UTD professors have adapted versions of the flipped classroom to maintain student engagement in a virtual learning environment. The Texas Computer Education Association defines flipped learning as “when students are introduced to the learning material before they come to class through video lectures, readings or labs.” Since students are already somewhat familiar with the […]

‘That responsibility falls on us’ | September 28, 2020

UTD is now providing an option for students to take the Daily Health Check through text message. On September 14, students received an email asking them to indicate their Daily Health Check communication preference. They can now choose between receiving the health checks as emails or text messages. The Daily Health Check is part of […]

EMT participant tests positive for COVID-19 | September 28, 2020

A participant in the University Emergency Medical Response program tested positive for COVID-19 after attending an EMT training at Blackstone LaunchPad.  Emergency Medical Services and UEMR Director Sheila Elliott said that the participant is not a UTD student, and it is believed that they contracted the virus off-campus. The individual was not symptomatic during the […]

UREC provides alternative to group intramural sports | September 28, 2020

University Recreation has delayed intramural sports – originally slated to kick off Sept. 12 – until guidelines for safe in-person interaction are refined. All in-person intramurals have been postponed until UREC can instate further measures to ensure the safety of all participants involved. Registration has been reopened for all postponed events, and in the meantime, […]

We learn at dawn | September 28, 2020

French international student Gaetan Dore was excited to move to Texas. After being accepted into UTD’s criminology doctorate program in February, he had also received a scholarship and completed all of his paperwork except for an embassy interview. After the pandemic began, however, his interview was rescheduled four times and then postponed indefinitely when the […]

Comics: 9/28/20 | September 28, 2020

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Why we publish what we do | April 28, 2020

Before an opinion piece is published in our paper, a rigorous process occurs beforehand. Columnists and writers approach our team with pitch ideas, which we must approve before they even begin. Next, they submit three separate drafts of their pieces and have them edited by 3-4 editors over the course of two weeks. The pieces […]

An open response to ‘I Hate Me’ from Mercury staffers | April 28, 2020

On March 9, The Mercury published an article that was offensive and harmful to the Transgender community. Michael Lockwood’s “I Hate Me” piece compared gender transitions to mental disorders and gave the appearance of an endorsement from the organization as it ran unopposed. As employees of The Mercury, we wanted to make it clear that […]

‘Feel that celebration with them even though they’re not physically present with us’ | April 28, 2020

Students discuss changes to their religious celebrations as a result of quarantine Students across campus are celebrating Passover, Easter and Ramadan without some of the traditions central to their faith as the spread of coronavirus and stay-at-home orders prevent gatherings. These holidays share themes of heightened devotion, personal reflection and restrictive eating. The Jewish Passover, […]





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