Senior captains lead the way

Correction: Madi Hess’ name was misspelled in an earlier version of this article. The Mercury regrets this error.

Senior guards top team in scoring, grow as teammates, become friends over four year career for women’s basketball team

With less than three minutes left on the clock the women’s basketball team was down by double digits against sixth ranked UT Tyler.

Senior guards Madi Hess, Christina Brosnahan and Amber Brown banded together to devise a plan to grind out a win.

“We got off to a really slow start, so I just told them our goal should be to be up by halftime, and we just took it one play at a time and slowed things down,” Hess said. “We played our game and stuck to the plan to get out of the hole.”

The girls combined for 29 total points, accounting for over 50 percent of the team’s total offense.

“The whole UT Tyler game, we had ups and downs, but there wasn’t one moment in that game when we weren’t working together. Even if we made a mistake, we still figured out how to come back as a team,” Brown said.

The three seniors, who are also captains, are the spark that has initiated a promising season for the women’s basketball team. They lead the team in scoring, with Hess picking up 13.4 points a game.

Brown is the second leading scorer on the team with 9.9 points per game, while Brosnahan contributes a healthy 7.9 points a contest.

After playing multiple seasons with one another, the trio is determined to make a lasting impression during their senior year.

The growth of their bond is evident both on and off the court, Brosnahan said.

“I think freshman year was just getting to know each other, and now we are like sisters. I just love seeing them everyday,” she said.

Since their first season, the trio has come a long way, leading the team to three winning campaigns.

They are determined to stay on track and make a deep run in the postseason.

“In my sophomore year, we won a championship. So, we got a taste of what success feels like, and we knew how to get there. So, now there is no turning back,” Brosnahan said.

Hess, Brown and Brosnahan each provide their own unique variation of leadership to the team.

“For me, sometimes I am more outspoken, and I don’t say it so nice sometimes. In the Louisiana game, when things started going downhill, Christina and Amber brought me together,” Hess said.

Brosnahan and Brown approach leadership in a less vocal manner, relating to teammates through action.

“I express leadership by providing nourishment to my teammates,” Brosnahan said. “If someone needs me I will be available.”

Brown strives to lead by example, using her play and effort to inspire.

“As far as in practice, I always try to be the one that is working the hardest and always pushing each other to make everyone better,” Brown said.

The self-proclaimed “Big 3” said they can see the strides the team has made over the course of the year.

“We can see improvements from each game,” Hess said. “I think the best thing is we are all working towards one goal and taking it game by game and that helps out a lot.”

Practice has proven vital to the prosperity of the Comets this season. The team practices four hours a day during the season, doing everything from on-the-court workouts to weight training.

This season, the team has emphasized a family atmosphere that lacked in the past, something the girls said has improved practice time together.

“I actually enjoy going to practice now, where the first two years I dwelled on going to practice,” Hess said. “I’m happy to be a part of a positive environment.”

The three seniors have developed a connection on the court, synthesizing each others strengths to provide a positive flow during the game.

Since the girls came together in 2012, the Comets have experienced consistent success from year to year.

“Ever since we have been together here, we have had 20-plus wins,” Brosnahan said.

What began as an introduction as teammates evolved into a friendship off the court.

“It’s really awesome to see how our friendship has come,” Hess said.

When they’re not playing, the girls enjoy spending time together watching shows such as “American Horror Story” and “Grey’s Anatomy.” They also meet up after class to study at each other’s apartments.

When they travel for away games, the girls conduct bible study in their hotel rooms to get their mind right before tipoff.

They said this type of friendship off the court has left a lasting impression.

“We have become a family, especially this year with myself, Madi and Amber as captains,” Brosnahan said. “With that as our sole purpose we are confident that the rest will fall into place.”

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